Year 3 students have worked really hard this term to produce some great results. In English, they focused on writing narratives, reading and comprehension strategies, editing skills and punctuation. They worked on the Spelling Mastery Program throughout the term and covered different types of nouns.

During Maths sessions, they learnt about different addition and strategies, fractions, time and 2D shapes. They had fun doing STEM, Art and P.E. lessons. In ICT classes, they learnt the basic functions of Microsoft Word and practised their typing skills.

Year 3 students also participated in an Anti-Bullying incursion and Responsible Pet Ownership Program. They celebrated Harmony Day at school and enjoyed various activities. It was great to see all students dressed up in their traditional or orange clothes. Polka Dot Dress Up Day gave them an opportunity to be creative and raise some funds.

Enjoy your term break and stay safe!

Mrs. Amninder Malhi
Year 3 Teacher